road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
Police and Fire Department Officials in Guatemala Benefit From Bible-Based Workshops
by TheFadingAlbatros in
i am surprised that a government authority is calling on a religious organization to give their police and fire department officials instructions to behave in a better way with the guatemalan population.
the organization of jehovah's witnesses is well known to separate families (shunning) and have in the past protected numerous pedophiles within their organization ( maybe they are still doing it now somewhere in secret, who knows ?
road to nowhere
"How to properly use authority?" They should have left out the properly. -
Worldly holidays
by road to nowhere inif they announce anything any more ( my hall doesnt even announce funerals, only judicial stuff and letters from mom) they say something like: "tomorrow is a worldly holiday so..... ".
we all know it is christmas or whatever.
and most of us do have a day off, ( needed) the smart ones who are able will work for the double time and fewer bosses around.
road to nowhere
If they announce anything any more ( my hall doesnt even announce funerals, only judicial stuff and letters from mom) they say something like: "Tomorrow is a worldly holiday so..... ". We all know it is Christmas or whatever. And most of us do have a day off, ( needed) the smart ones who are able will work for the double time and fewer bosses around
The Craziness of an Average Bible Study
by Number 6 inlast week i posted a thread asking about who knew any "real anointed" and got some cracking replies.. that got me to thinking, as someone brought up in the 70's and 80's in the watchtower religion, my experience of bible studeis in their homes and those who made it to the hall were mostly batshit crazy or at least people with some serious quirks.. i'll relate a few, none of whose names i remember with any clarity.. in our cong we had an older couple who were from london, but who had been in the 1950's in the circuit work in the mid west usa.
they brought along some woman one night they had started a study with who told everyone cheerfully she was a recovering alcoholic and this was her cure (coming to the meetings).
this went on for a few weeks until one night they brought her to the memorial and she was royally pissed, and i mean barely able to stand; and went up to the platform table and necked some wine.
road to nowhere
In the past 20 or 30 years i can remember only 3 "normal " people, a couple who came in, their children didnt stay in, and a young single man. The others are mentally off or were fairly normal but coerced by wives, usually after the wife is reinstated.
wt religion protection racket
by waton inlast week's study (october wt, page 23), par 10:.
abigail and david.
david and his fellow outlaws protected the nabal family's flocks no doubt with daily support (how else would these fugitives make a living?
road to nowhere
I am almost jealous of David's conquests; the animal side of myself. The other has sympathy for his victims, especially Abishag.
Since Rutherford has any of the biggies scored? I gather a couple got their boys
Just a moan - regarding the latest trend in ignorance of the English language!
by The Fall Guy inin recent months i have noticed more and more people on the net (including here) are using this latest perversion of the english language -.
"i would of done this..........or he would of tried to change things".
it's would've - short for would have!.
road to nowhere
It's wooda like in " I wooda did it"
One that grates on me is " one thousand and one hundred and sixty". Or is that two?
It is everywhere, tv, printed documents, signs.
What is the housing / accomodation living conditions of all of the Governing Body Members ? Does anybody know ?
by smiddy3 ini would be very curious to know what standard of living they have .
and what type of housing each member has and what type of accomadation do they have and even what type of areas they are living in .
unlike many of the rank & file members who live in housing estates provided for the low income earners and pensioners ?
road to nowhere
The experience abiut the dictor who went with his family showed him living in a brownstone. He did have children and a special skill ( education).
Years ago I remember people mentioning Knorr living in the " holy of holies". I cannot imagine the upper echelon living in regular rooms. Wasn't there a post about one of them having a fit over the view of their lake?
Pray before sex just like you do for food-W62 3/15
by krismalone inthe governing body has lovingly provided instructions and reminders to couples that they should pray before having sex.
please be obedient and follow the wise counsel from the gb leaders who never stick their noses into other peoples business and are not creepy cult leaders at all....not!.
"had he not created the first human pair so that they could cohabit, planted in them an attraction for each other and then commanded them to "be fruitful and become many"?
road to nowhere
Bathe before and after, straight missionary, no foreplay, woman is not supposed to enjoy it;
Prayer should be for forgiveness and better self control.
Pray before sex just like you do for food-W62 3/15
by krismalone inthe governing body has lovingly provided instructions and reminders to couples that they should pray before having sex.
please be obedient and follow the wise counsel from the gb leaders who never stick their noses into other peoples business and are not creepy cult leaders at all....not!.
"had he not created the first human pair so that they could cohabit, planted in them an attraction for each other and then commanded them to "be fruitful and become many"?
road to nowhere
True. My marriage is a support system both ways. But sex did indeed have a part in our desires and was a VERY enjoyable part of it. But 15 to 30 minutes once or twice a day, and later less frequent is not alk there is.
For any singles here ask yourself if the mate married someone else would you still wish her/ him well? That helps to see a bigger picture
Did You Know Any "Genuine"" Old School Anointed?
by Number 6 ingrowing up in scotland in the 1970s in scotland the anointed were few and far between, but we had one old dude in our cong who claimed to be one of the anointed.
in the days when it was taken seriously.. i'd be curious how you viewed them.
thing is, he wasn't an elder, or even a ministerial servant, just a plain old publisher.. but he was revered like he had a hotline to jesus.. the other week i was talking to a friend of similar age to me but who hung around the wt a lot longer than i did, and he just commented "oh him... he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself.
road to nowhere
I knew some. Way different than any now, sincere in their belief AND humility.
Late comers were pompous asses, got together with other "annointed" to talk about their hope and insight in unauthorized meetings. Some actively recruited others for heaven. Every one questioned their sanity. One stated that if they partook unworthily they would just fall back to earthly class; so i guess we all should have a drink and cracker. LOL
Department Store Santa Claus - Do They Still Exist?
by RubaDub ini remember when stores would advertise that santa claus would be there from 2-4 pm on a saturday or something for several weeks before christmas.
you would see them everywhere.. do they still exist in your area?.
maybe parents finally realized that having a drunk guy with a white beard getting his jollies off with young children on his lap was not a good idea.. just my thoughts.
road to nowhere
Thats got to be one of the best Christmas stories ever